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Elf / Monet-Elf
Mozilla Public License 2.0Updated -
Adaptive DAta ManagemeNT in heterogeneous hardware systems
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The project explores the advantage and impact of SIMD acceleration on different open-addressing hashing techniques for computing grouped aggregation on database input.
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Hero DB is a conceptual Database Management System that is sensitive to the underlying hardware system. The complete DBMS will be able to support efficient processing over an arbitrary heterogeneous H/W environment.
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Hybrid approach combining two types of relational query processing engines: vectorizing (interpretation based) engines and compiling engines.
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This repository contains the template code for the programing task in advanced topics in databases.
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Auto-tuning primitives based on given set of variants. There will be a pool of variants to choose having variations in threading type, input size, combination of primitives and so on.
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Revised JPacman framework, now with gradle instead maven...but still Pacman inside ;)
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template for JPacman Framework to be used for labwork in the course
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Interactive Chord Visualization for Metaproteomics
Metaproteomics is an analytic approach to research microorganisms that live in complex microbial communities. A key aspect of understanding microbial communities is to link the functions of proteins
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